For the longest time, I kept trying to 'make' my self employed WFH dreamy creative artist life a 9-5 to emulate the people around me and maybe justify that what I do is valid and serious and allowed, lol. I love how you said, "a Real Person." Its so wild to me how in this society we only feel like a Real Person when we have a struggle/suffer/serious office job hahaha, I have operated that way for so long.

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This is so lovely. I’m fascinated by the stories we inherit or attach to when it comes to what work and productivity ‘should’ look like. The comments from others who think you’re lacking or somehow stuck or behind in life if you don’t work full time, five days a week. These themes come up a lot for me in my conversations with clients, most of us are so heavily conditioned to accept a very specific version of what career success apparently is. I love the way you talk about the importance of figuring out what works for us and doing things on our own terms. Very keen to learn more about the planetary rhythms, my daughter goes to a Steiner school and R.Steiner was very much guided by these rhythms also. Thank you for sharing 💛🌻

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So gorgeous Emmie. I resonate deeply -- an office desk life was never for me, and aside from a short internship stint, I’ve never looked back 🥹🐚✨🌸 Have a beautiful workshop. The planetary days govern my life and I’m learning more & more about the dance between our unique rhythms each day!!

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As I’m writing this it’s Friday- of course. And ist not sunny today and not very cosy. The apartment I rented as a sublet is a mess and life feels like it’s changing very very quickly. But I spent the last couple of days listening to your playlist and feeling very soft. Yesterday I wrote in my diary: Today I‘m a flower with petals and a stalk so thin that you can see through it. I love your text so very much and it reminded me of something I was thinking about a lot recently. I spend many years believing about myself that I was bad at letting go - maybe that’s something a lot of people with an open spleen center experience. I so often felt the need to just level up and focuse on the MORE and BETTER that was supposed to come my way. It wasn’t until recently that I looked up ‚time‘ in the historical dictionary of philosophy. What really stunned me - and has been the biggest comforter ever since - is that is says that ancient culture believed that the future lying at our backs can only be accessed through the past-present lying in front of our eyes. I think that many of us grew up with the idea that the future is bright and right in front of us ne that because of this we always have to reach for it - constantly running towards it. But maybe it’s different. Maybe all we can do is draw strength and knowledge from the past and present and to trust in the secret magnetism of the soul, as Thomas Mann says, which draws us into the future.

There is a childhood memory I often refer to and was thinking about a lot in the last couple of years and it’s funny because it’s matches with your article perfectly. I remember sitting in school, with a red (?) notebook and wax crayons as I very very carefully and prudently assign a planet, color, symbol, element and plant to each day of the week. I was born on a Wednesday. And every Wednesday, together with the children who were born on the same day of the week, I had to stand in front of the class and recite a poem that was chosen especially for me and for that school year. At least looking back, these rituals and routines don't feel like a burden but playful and easy - so different from what I later came to know as structure and constancy.

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So keen for the workshop. Fucking loved this post too, like usual

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