Why take a seat at The Deep Rest Salon?
Welcome to The Deep Rest Salon, and thank you for being here !
You may be here via @TheDailyRest on Instagram, where I mostly post poetry about doing hard things, gently. While I have been writing email newsletters for many years now, when my instagram account ballooned by 80k in the space of a few months in 2022 (and I freaked out a little), I found myself craving more intimacy and privacy with a community of people who were interested in reading long form. And so, The Deep Rest Salon was born.
Over the past decade, I have gone from making below minimum wage to building a truly thriving business, practiced and finally surrendered to living intuitively, been both deeply involved in the wellness community and repulsed by it, logged thousands of hours of study, teaching and mentoring, spent a year living nomadically and ended a long term relationship in my early thirties.
The Deep Rest Salon is where I talk about it all.
With honesty, transparency and a little humour, I hope.
Whether you sign up for free or upgrade to a paid subscription, I would love you to join us in this community.
Free subscribers have access to
Monthly emails on the energetic theme of the month ahead, with links to playlists and my current favourites
An additional monthly post open to all
The ability to comment and connect with other subscribers
Paid subscribers receive all free content plus
Long form, personal and deeply intimate essays about business, the spiritual world, love, immigrating to Tokyo, making decisions that make no sense at all, friendship, womanhood and finding home.
Community conversation and connection
Occasional audio notes and Q&A’s
More gratitude than you could possibly know - paying subscribers allow me the time and space to actually sit down and write these long form essays - they quite literally wouldn’t exist without you.
About me
I’m a poet, writer and teacher. I’ve been writing online for my entire adult life. I still can’t quite believe I now get paid for it. Outside of this substack, I founded an online platform called The Daily Rest Studio where I bring together my love (and years of experience teaching) Yoga and Meditation, community connection and various tools, practices and workshops on living gently, as yourself, in an overly-homogenised, fast paced world.
The first time I realised I could write was when I noticed the song lyrics I composed for my teenage band were touching people deeper than I had planed. I went on to study Writing & Cultural Studies at University, where I felt mostly bored, and so spent my time pouring into blogs that no one ever really saw. I ran poetry nights (for people who hate poetry) and after posting my own poetry on tumblr, started being published in online literary journals and magazines, eventually winning an award for my poem I am my own person, standing on the asphalt by a family of fallen plants about my experience of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake in Japan.
Unable to stomach a full time job as an office writer (I tried, and lasted three months) I found myself teaching Yoga full time, and loving it. I continued to write, for other businesses, and for myself, until the combination of Yoga and the written word saw me with a full blown community, and business, of my own.
Oh and as of 2024, I made Tokyo, Japan my home. After a fifteen year flirtation (or so).
For the past few years, I have continued to publish my poetry on @thedailyrest (I haven’t quite found the stomach for tiktok, yet).
Subscriber love notes ~
“Every time I get one of your newsletters into my inbox, my heart skips a beat. Emmie, I love your writing, your soft gentle being and everything that you create” Alexa, Portugal
“I am a big fan of your journey and your newsletters are always a time when I can slow down and be transferred to another realm” Lenka, Australia
“Emmie writes beautifully and touches part of my soul and reminds me of the beauty of being alive” Myriam, Mexico